Margie Parham, MS, RN, MPH/PhDc

Global Health Promotion
Education Specialist

Empowering individuals with Health Knowledge


Research Articles

Holistic Health

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Mayo Clinic Resource: Adult and Children Health
  More than 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers from Mayo Clinic share their expertise to empower you to manage your health.
National Prevention Information Network
  This web site connect partners to provide health information to the public.
National Public Health Organizations
  National Public Health Performance Standards Program An Introduction to the Local Public Health System Performance Assessment Instrument The National Public Health Performance Standards Program (NPHPSP) assessments are intended to help users answer questions such as “What are the activities and capacities of our public health system?” and “How well are we providing the Essential Public Health Services in our jurisdiction?” The dialogue that occurs in answering these questions can help to identify strengths and weaknesses and determine opportunities for improvement. The NPHPSP is a partnership effort to improve the practice of public health and the performance of public health systems. The NPHPSP assessment instruments guide state and local jurisdictions in evaluating their current performance against a set of optimal standards. Three assessment instruments have been designed to assist state and local partners in assessing and improving their public health systems or boards of health. These instruments are the: • State Public Health System Performance Assessment Instrument, • Local Public Health System Performance Assessment Instrument, and • Local Public Health Governance Performance Assessment Instrument.
Quick Guide to Healthy Living
  Find Services & Information: Locate a doctor, health center, organization understanding of diseases, prevention, or public library.
Rewire Behavior. Simplify Change: Tap a Keystone Behavioral Definition
  A behavioral definition is a hidden persuader that simplifies change. Behavioral definitions form the shorthand of life. They frame an under-recognized pattern as distilled and potent for behavior as mathematics is for science. Capable of overcoming the most resistant problems, a keystone behavioral definition cues behavior, alters the habits of many, and bends minds without bending everyone out of shape.
Rewire Behavior. Simplify Change: Tap a Keystone Behavioral Definition
  A behavioral definition is a hidden persuader that simplifies change. Behavioral definitions form the shorthand of life. They frame an under-recognized pattern as distilled and potent for behavior as mathematics is for science.
Survival Among Plant Life
  The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
THC destroys Cancer Cells
  The findings of a 2006 study carried out by medical researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in Richmond are being noticed within the scientific community. The study results strongly suggest that if taken regularly, cannabis oil may be able to induce remission in leukemia patients without the horrendous side effects typically associated with standard radio-chemical treatment options. Although this is only one such study, other similar studies have shown equally impressive results.
The Fourth Turning : An American Prophecy by William Strauss and Neil Howe
  Read online free: Predicts that the U. S. will face a crisis in the next millennium that will threaten the country's survival quot;awakened" Boomer category of the 1970s and 1980s, or are you a Gen-Xer struggling to adapt...
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